
Library Cards

Residency Requirements

  • Anyone can use the resources of the Porter Memorial Library.
  • Only registered patrons may borrow library materials.
  • People living in or owning property in Machias, and proprietors of a Machias business will be extended borrowing privileges.
  • Non-resident University of Maine, Machias students will be given a library card upon presentation of a valid college ID.
  • Children and young adults (under 18 years of age) are eligible for a library card. The youth or parent/guardian must provide proof of identification. The parent/guardian must sign the child’s registration card.


  • Non-residents may borrow materials upon payment of a non-refundable annual fee.
  • The fee is currently $15.00 for an individual, $20.oo for a family.

If I am a resident of Machias, how can I get a Library Card?

  • To obtain a library card, personal identification with current address must be presented.
  • One of the following is acceptable:
    1. Maine driver’s license
    2. picture identification card with name, current address, and signature
    3. current dwelling lease
    4. checkbook with address
    5. automobile registration
    6. utility bill showing name and current address
    7. a current (annual) paid property tax receipt
    8. recently postmarked, non-hand addressed mail

Lost and Forgotten Cards

  • If library patrons have forgotten to bring their cards to the library, they may show proper identification to the library staff.
  • If the staff can verify the validity of their cards, check-out will be permitted.
  • Cards will be replaced for a fee of $1.00.

Borrowing Privileges

  • Cardholders are responsible for all items checked out on their library cards.
  • Patrons are required to present their library cards at the circulation desk to check out any item.

Loan Periods

  • The following loan periods and limits have been established to provide library users with an adequate amount of time to both use library materials and return them so that they are available in a reasonable amount of time for other users.
  • A library patron may have up to ten items checked out at any time regardless of card type – family member card or individual member card.
  • The majority of items within the library’s collection may be borrowed for twenty-one (21) days.
  • If the due date falls on a holiday when the library is closed, the loan period will be extended until the next day that the library is open.
  • Periodicals in plastic covers are non-circulating.


  • All material(s) can be renewed one time for one 21-day period, if the item is not reserved for another library patron.
  • Overdue materials will not be renewed until overdue fines have been paid.
  • Patrons are required to renew items in one of these ways:
    • Present the materials and borrower’s card at the library service desk.
    • Telephone the library and give the library staff person the patron’s name and card number, the date the materials are due, and the title of the items to be renewed.

Overdue Material, Fees, and Fines

  • It is the responsibility of the Library to maintain a collection of materials to be shared by the Library’s patrons.
  • It is also the responsibility of the Library to govern the use of such materials shared with, or borrowed from, other libraries.
  • The goal of the Library is to recover materials held beyond the agreed loan period, in good condition, for further use by the community.
  • Fines and fees are used solely to remind offenders of their responsibility to the other community members who fund and support the Library.
  • A one-day “grace” period without fines exists for all material types.
  • A charge of ten cents per day (excluding Sunday, holidays and days the library is closed unexpectedly) for each overdue item will be applied up to a maximum fine of five dollars per item.
  • A fine of fifty cents per day is incurred by a patron who, although notified of a waiting list, still fails to return an item.
  • Overdue interlibrary loan materials are fined at fifty cents a day. Inter-library loan fines may be those imposed by the lending institution, the Library, or both.
  • If the materials are not returned within 60 days of the due date, the patron will be billed for the cost of replacement materials and the cost of processing the new materials.
  • A patron’s borrowing privileges will be temporarily suspended when fines are owed Porter Memorial Library, or when notice of non-return of materials is registered in the borrower’s account.
  • Fines must be paid before other material can be checked out or renewed.
  • Two letters will be sent for overdue material. The third letter will be for replacement costs.
  • Failure to receive notice or delays in the mail will not be considered grounds for waiving the fees and fines.
  • Borrowing may resume when fines are paid and materials are returned.
  • At the discretion of the Library Board, a patron’s borrowing privileges may be permanently revoked.

Lost and Damaged Materials

Replacement Costs

  • Full replacement cost, including a service charge of four dollars ($4.00) for processing new materials will be charged for any cataloged material(s) that is/are lost or damaged so badly that they have to be replaced.

Damaged materials

  • The borrower may keep any damaged materials for which full replacement costs and service charge has been paid.

Claims Returned

  • A patron can have a maximum of two “claims returned” items in active status.
  • Any “claims returned” items over that limit will be billed.
  • The library patron’s borrowing privileges will be temporarily suspended until the bill is paid in full.

Reserving Materials

  • A reserve is a hold placed for an item in the circulating collection that is checked out or other wise unavailable at the time of the hold.
  • A reserve may be made by contacting a library staff member in person, by mail, or by phone.
  • Because of the demands for reserve items, reserve items will be held for three (3) days only after notification of availability.
  • Once an item is reserved, it may not be renewed.
  • When more than one reserve is placed on an item, a queue will be established, and each request will be filled in the order in which it was received.

Interlibrary Loans

  • Books, magazine articles, materials and information unavailable at our library often may be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
  • Patrons using this service will be asked to pay a $2.00 fee for return postage.
  • The Porter Memorial Library is a member of the Northeastern Library District with headquarters at the Bangor Public Library.
  • ILL materials are subject to the loan rules of the lending library.

Internet & Computer Use Policy

  • Porter Memorial Library (Library) promotes access to information by providing public use of computers and the Internet. Library staff will offer assistance to patrons whenever possible in the use of computers and locating information. Patrons are advised that computer use is subject to monitoring and that there is not an expectation of privacy for the patrons. Use of the computers for illegal, inappropriate or obscene purposes is prohibited. Library staff may grant or terminate access by the public to computers at their sole discretion. All patrons using computers must complete the Computer Use Agreement each time they use a computer.
  • While the Library attempts to prevent access of minors (age 17 and under) to inappropriate material by maintaining “CIPA” filters on the computer and by staff monitoring use, it is the parent or guardian that is responsible for information accessed by their children. CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) protects against visual depictions that constitute obscenity or child pornography. Enforcement of filters is maintained by Maine State Library Network. Parents are encouraged to become familiar with resources available on personal computers and to provide appropriate supervision.
  • The Library does not control the information accessed on the computers and is not responsible for its quality, accuracy, timeliness or appropriateness. Library patrons and not the Library are responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of computers and the Internet provided by the Library.
  • All patrons must complete the Computer Use Agreement each time they use a computer.
  • Use of computers is limited to one half-hour per patron per day, with additional time allowed at the discretion of the Library staff. Patrons may reserve use of one computer in advance to ensure availability for one-half hour.
  • Proper identification (picture I.D.) or a Porter Memorial Library card must be presented each time to library staff before using a computer. To obtain a Library card, proper identification is required and will be noted by staff.
  • Parents or guardians must obtain a library card for children who do not have identification.
  • Non residents who do not wish to pay the required fee for a library card will be issued a “computer use only” card free of charge.

Policy Changes

  • The Board of Trustees reserves the right to make changes to these policies without prior notice as it may deem advisable from time to time, and to cancel or withdraw permission for the exhibition of materials when in its discretion such withdrawal is advisable.
  • Requests for exception to or deviation from these policies shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees only.
  • It is the expectation that these policies will be adhered to by all staff and volunteers of Porter Memorial Library.
  • Staff and/or volunteers are not authorized to grant exceptions.