“Meet John Colter the Mountain Man” w/historic re-enactor Chuck Parker

April 20, 2019 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Porter Hosts Mountain Man John Colter LIVE!

On Saturday, April 20 at 1 p.m., Porter Memorial Library will host a talk by mountain man John Colter, as portrayed by historian Charles Parker. John Colter was recruited by Meriwether Lewis in 1803 as a member of what became the Corps of Discovery under Captains Lewis and Clark. Parker’s live presentation at the library on April 20 is one of several special events for youth and families scheduled for school vacation week.

Parker will be dressed as Colter, in deerskin, with implements of the fur trade by his side; and will speak in the first person, as if he really is Colter. This style of presentation is sometimes called living history, or Chautauqua format. When you meet Mountain Man Colter at Porter Memorial Library, imagine that the year is 1810, and Colter has just arrived in St. Louis by canoe.

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Porter Memorial Library Director
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