‘Lobster War’ film to be shown in Machias March 30

March 30, 2019 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Machias’ Porter Memorial Library will offer a screening of “Lobster War: The Fight Over the World’s Richest Fishing Grounds” on Saturday, March 30. The showing will take place at the University of Maine at Machias Performing Arts Center at 2 p.m.

“Lobster War” is an award-winning feature film about a climate-fueled conflict between the United States and Canada over waters that both countries have claimed since the end of the Revolutionary War. The disputed 277-square-miles of sea, known as the “Gray Zone”, were traditionally fished by U.S. lobstermen. But as the Gulf of Maine has warmed faster than nearly any other body of water on the planet, the area’s previously modest lobster population has surged. As a result, Canadians have begun to assert their sovereignty, warring with the Americans to claim the bounty. The gray zone stretches from Cutler to Jonesport, and the film features interviews with some local fishermen.

The event will also feature a lobster raffle and a bake sale. All proceeds from those items and ticket sales will go to support the library’s annual operating fund. Tickets are $5 per person, and may be purchased online here or by visiting the library at 92 Court Street, Machias. Call 207-255-3933 for more information. To learn more about the film, visit lobsterwar.com.

About portadm

Porter Memorial Library Director
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