Groundhog Day Seed Sale & Fictional Fun

February 2, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Groundhog Day Seed Sale and Fictional Fun

The pursuit of seasonal cheer in mid-winter can have a decidedly fictional feel, which is probably why it’s a good fit for a Friends of Porter Memorial Library event. So every February, on Groundhog Day to be exact, a small but dedicated group of one library Friend and her trusty mascot, Gordie the Groundhog (who moonlights as a plush hand puppet), kick off what has become known as the “Groundhog Seed Sale” to raise funds for the library while gladdening the hearts of gardeners in the Machias Bay Area.

On Saturday February 2, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the public is invited to pick up Fedco seed order forms inside Porter Memorial Library at Gordie’s special Groundhog Seed Sale kiosk. To add excitement on the day of the seed sale kickoff, there will be a raffle drawing at 12 noon for a cool, metal lunchbox bearing the Fedco Seeds logo, and a book table with gently-used gardening books for sale. Should frigid temperatures prevail–as they may–we’ll have a fire crackling brightly in the fireplace. And, oh yes, Gordie asks visitors to bring snacks for a pot-luck snack table!

Gordie’s Fedco seed order forms feature assorted vegetable and flower seeds that have been selected by Fedco staff for easy-to-grow qualities. Organic and regular seed packets will be available, all at reasonable prices, and the library will receive a percentage of every seed packet ordered.

The time to order seeds from the Groundhog Seed Sale is February 2 to March 15. The actual seed packets arrive at the library during the last week of March. And, of course, Gordie will call everyone as soon as their seed packets are ready to be picked up. If you have questions, just ask Gordie: He knows his microgreens from his mixed salad.

Porter Memorial Library is located at 92 Court Street in Machias, telephone 207-255-3933.

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Porter Memorial Library Director
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